Snake Lake Wildflower

by Ken Powers
Buy the Original Painting
21.750 x 14.250 inches
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Snake Lake Wildflower
Ken Powers
Painting - Watercolor On Paper
I had quite a bit of disruption to my normal routine this week which cut into my painting schedule a bit. I didn't get to devote quite as much time to the creation of this piece as I would have liked due to the death of my 88 year old Grandfather, having to put my 10 year old dog to sleep due to cancer, and having my 2 year old daughter break her collar bone. They are correct when they say bad luck comes in threes. I lost a bit of the spontaneity and excitement that I usually have when painting since I needed to break this piece up into many many small painting session. These flowers, of which I do not know the variety, were found on a hike my family and I took this last weekend in order to get a little exercise. I snapped a quick reference photo and painted this version over the course of several evenings. The original is 21.75"x14.25" and is painted on Arches 140# cold-pressed paper. I used Rublev 18th century reproduction watercolor paint, Daniel Smith watercolor paint, and Winsor & Newton watercolor paint. The Rublev paint really created some interesting textures in the background when used in conj unction with the Arches coarse paper.
August 7th, 2010